Low-power flexible logic circuits are key components required by the next generation of flexible electronic devices. For stable device operation, such components require a high degree of mechanical flexibility and reliability. Here, the mechanical properties of low-power flexible complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) logic circuits including inverter, NAND, and NOR are investigated. To fabricate CMOS circuits on flexible polyimide substrates, carbon nanotube (CNT) network films are used for p-type transistors, whereas amorphous InGaZnO films are used for the n-type transistors. The power consumption and voltage gain of CMOS inverters are <500 pW/mm at Vin = 0 V (<7.5 nW/mm at Vin = 5 V) and >45, respectively. Importantly, bending of the substrate is not found to cause significant changes in the device characteristics. This is also observed to be the case for more complex flexible NAND and NOR logic circuits for bending states with a curvature radius of 2.6 mm. The mechanical stability of these CMOS logic circuits makes them ideal candidates for use in flexible integrated devices.
Cured at 350 °C for 1 hour to form ~10 μ m thick PI film
In order to improve the adhesion between the PI film and complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) device components, a 10 nm thick SiOx layer was deposited on the PI surface by electron beam (EB) evaporation
A 50 nm thick layer of Al2O3 was deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) (Arradiance, USA) at 200 °C using the precursors of trimethylaluminium (TMA) and H2O, followed by a SiOx (10 nm thick) film formed by EB evaporation
The mechanical properties of low-power flexible complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) logic circuits including inverter, NAND, and NOR are investigated. We report the mechanical flexibility of CMOS logic circuits such as inverter, NAND, and NOR circuits to confirm that they exhibit near-identical electrical characteristics under both flat and bending test conditions. To demonstrate such behavior, flexible polyimide-based TFT devices using amorphous InGaZnO for n-type devices[10,24,25] and 99% semiconductor-enriched carbon nanotube (CNT) network films for p-type devices[12,24,26] were fabricated and incorporated into the aforementioned logic circuits. This study focuses on the effects of bending on voltage gain and threshold voltage for the CMOS inverters, and the investigation of logic operations for CMOS NAND and NOR circuits
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