
We investigated the long-lasting effects of mechanical vibratory stimulation of the skin on the excitability of feline cortical neurons in the forelimb areas of the primary (SI) and secondary (SII) somatosensory cortices. Conditioning mechanical stimuli were 300 bursts of 10 pulses at 200 Hz delivered with a 10-s interburst interval from a mechanical stimulator. Test field potentials and unit discharges were evoked by electrical stimulation to the ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus (VPL) or by single mechanical stimuli applied to the skin. In SII, the mechanical burst stimulation to the skin increased the amplitudes of field potentials and the frequency of unit discharges elicited by single mechanical stimuli applied to the skin. The vibratory conditioning stimulus also produced a similar potentiation of the VPL-evoked field potentials (126-139% increase in amplitude, P < 0.05) with an associated increase in firing rates of extracellularly recorded neuronal activity (117%, P < 0.001). These potentiations persisted through the entire experimental period of 120 min. The translaminar current source density analysis calculated from the VPL-evoked field potentials increased to 127% of the control value (P < 0.01). In contrast, in SI we observed no significant changes in the field potential amplitudes or in the currents generated in superficial layers (91-117%). Taken together with the previous finding that tetanic electrical stimulation of VPL induces long-lasting potentiation of the VPL-evoked cortical responses in SII but not of those in SI, the present results suggest that SII has a large capacity for the rapid functional plasticity involved in the learning that occurs during repeated tactile experiences.

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