
During the October 2000 refueling outage at the V.C. Summer Nuclear Station, a leak was discovered in one of the three reactor vessel hot leg nozzle to pipe weld connections. The root cause of this leak was determined to be extensive weld repairs causing high tensile stresses throughout the pipe weld; leading to primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of the Alloy 82/182 (Inconel). This nozzle was repaired and V.C. Summer began investigating other mitigative or repair techniques on the other nozzles. During the next refueling outage V.C. Summer took mitigative actions by applying the patented Mechanical Stress Improvement Process (MSIP) to the other hot legs. MSIP contracts the pipe on one side of the weldment, placing the inner region of the weld into compression. This is an effective means to prevent and mitigate PWSCC. Analyses were performed to determine the redistribution of residual stresses, amount of strain in the region of application, reactor coolant piping loads and stresses, and effect on equipment supports. In May 2002, using a newly designed 34-inch clamp, MSIP was successfully applied to the two hot-leg nozzle weldments. The pre- and post-MSIP NDE results were highly favorable. MSIP has been used extensively on piping in boiling water reactor (BWR) plants to successfully prevent and mitigate SCC. This includes Reactor Vessel nozzle piping over 30-inch diameter with 2.3-inch wall thickness similar in both size and materials to piping in pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants such as V.C. Summer. The application of MSIP at V.C. Summer was successfully completed and showed the process to be predictable with no significant changes in the overall operation of the plant. The pre- and post-nondestructive examination of the reactor vessel nozzle weldment showed no detrimental effects on the weldment due to the MSIP.

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