
Many studies have shown that mechanical forces can alter collagen degradation by proteases, and this mechanochemical effect may potentially serve an important role in determining extracellular matrix content and organization in load-bearing tissues. However, it is not yet known whether mechano-sensitive degradation depends on particular protease isoforms, nor is it yet known whether particular degradation byproducts can be altered by mechanical loading. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that different types of proteases exhibit different sensitivities to mechanical loading both in degradation rates and byproducts. Decellularized porcine pericardium samples were treated with human recombinant matrix metalloproteinases-1, −8, −9, cathepsin K, or a protease-free control while subjected to different levels of strain in a planar, biaxial mechanical tester. Tissue degradation was monitored by tracking the decay in mechanical stresses during displacement control tests, and byproducts were assessed by mass spectrometry analysis of the sample supernatant after degradation. Our key finding shows that cathepsin K-mediated degradation of collagenous tissue was enhanced with increasing strain, while MMP1-, MMP8-, and MMP9-mediated degradation were first decreased and then increased by strain. Degradation induced changes in tissue mechanical properties, and proteomic analysis revealed strain-sensitive degradome signatures with different ECM byproducts released at low vs. high strains. This evidence suggests a potentially new type of mechanobiology wherein mechanical forces alter the degradation products that can provide important signaling feedback functions during tissue remodeling.

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