
The Unifying Theories of Programming (UTP) of Hoare and He is a general framework in which the semantics of a variety of specification and programming languages can be uniformly defined. In this paper we present a semantic embedding of the UTP into the ProofPower-Z theorem prover; it concisely captures the notion of UTP theory, theory instantiation, and, additionally, type restrictions on the alphabet of UTP predicates. We show how the encoding can be used to reason about UTP theories and their predicates, including models of particular specifications and programs. We support encoding and reasoning about combinations of predicates of various theory instantiations, as typically found in UTP models. Our results go beyond what has already been discussed in the literature in that we support encoding of both theories and programs (or their specifications), and high-level proof tactics. We also create structuring mechanisms that support the incremental construction and reuse of encoded theories, associated laws and proof tactics.

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