
Electrodeposited Fe-Co-Ni alloys are promising candidates for the writer in ultrahigh-density magnetic recording systems. In this paper, the mechanical properties of these materials have been studied by stress measurements as a function of temperature and nanoindentation. The alloy films (/spl sim/1-/spl mu/m-thick) were electrodeposited onto Cu/Ti/Si substrates. Three distinct structural regions were observed: FCC, mixed FCC+BCC, and BCC phases as Fe content in the alloy increased. The internal stress of Fe-Co-Ni films increases with decreasing current density, as reported for Ni-Fe films. The hardness of the as-deposited films was around 4.8 GPa; after annealing to 400/spl deg/C hardness was reduced to 3.6 GPa. The coefficient of thermal expansion CTE was /spl sim/10-11 /spl times/ 10-6/spl deg/C/sup -1/, comparable to typical values of bulk Ni/sub 78/Fe/sub 22/ (CTE -12 /spl times/ 10/sup -1//spl deg/C/sup -1/). Reduced Young's modulus E/(1 - /spl nu//sup 2/) changes from 150 to 180 Gpa, corresponding to the structural change from BCC to FCC. The ratio H/E is smaller than other materials investigated for write heads, indicating a lower resistance to deformation. H/E further decreases after annealing.

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