
ABSTRACT Many people living with neurological disorders, such as cerebral palsy, stroke, muscular dystrophy or dystonia, experience upper limb impairments (muscle spasticity, loss of selective motor control, muscle weakness or tremors) and are unable to eat independently. This article presents the development of a new device to assist with eating, aimed at stabilizing the movement of people who have movement disorders. The design was guided by insights gathered through focus groups, with occupational therapists and engineers, about the challenges faced by individuals who have movement disorders and difficulty in eating autonomously. The proposed assistive device prototype is designed to be fixed on a table and to support a spoon. The mechanism is designed so that the spoon maintains a position parallel to the ground for the user. Dampers and inertia allow stabilizing the user’s motion. A preliminary trial with five individuals living with cerebral palsy is presented to assess the prototype’s performance and to guide future iterations of the prototype. Task completion time generally decreased and movement fluidity generally improved when using the assistive device prototype. The prototype showed good potential in stabilizing the spoon for the user and improving movement fluidity.

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