
The reduction in pore space and thickness caused by plastic deformation of grains has been calculated for different proportions of ductile and nonductile, uniformly sized spheres in orthorhombic packing and for other shapes of grains. The relation for uniformly sized spheres in orthorhombic packing is believed to be applicable to well-sorted and rounded natural sands in which compaction has been extensive, and to be a maximum for angular sands or for very well-sorted and extremely well-sorted, well-rounded sands. Applicability to less well-sorted sands is less certain. In sands in which such plastic deformation has not been complete, less reduction in pore space or thickness may be expected. These relations may be helpful in separating the effects of plastic deformation of grains from those caused by grain rotation or fracturing, solution from points of grain contact, and cementation. Experimental investigation of the relation of ductile grain content to reduction in pore space or thickness is considered desirable.

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