
Mechanical linear staplers have been safely used in urology with an acceptable 0% to 7.9% rate of stone formation in long-term follow-up. We sought to evaluate the feasibility of using mechanical circular stapler devices to perform ileocapsuloplasty following cystoadenomectomy in cadavers. Three unfrozen cadavers were used in this study. The prostate was enucleated and removed along with the bladder, leaving an ample cavity wherein the 21-mm anvil could be easily accommodated. A 2-0 purse string suture was then placed at the prostate capsule rim and tightly tied around the anvil. Following this, the circular stapler device was introduced into the neobladder through its opened limb and the center rod of the stapler device was passed through an opening made at the most dependent portion of the pouch where another purse string suture was placed and tied around it. Finally, the center rod of the stapler was connected to the anvil and fired, thus completing the anastomosis. The procedure was feasible in all cases and 2 intact rings of prostatic capsule and bowel tissue were obtained, thus attesting the integrity of the anastomoses. Retrograde injection of methylene blue reassured that a watertight anastomosis was achieved whereas cystoscopic and macroscopic examination of the anastomotic site demonstrated a wide patent anastomosis in all cases. Use of mechanical circular stapler to perform ileocapsuloplasty in cadavers is feasible and has potential advantages such as decreased anastomotic time, diminished chances of urinary extravasations, and reduced degree of difficulty.

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