
Metal-matrix composites (MMC’s) have considerably enhanced properties including high specific strength; specific modulus, damping capacity and good wear resistance compared to non-reinforced alloys. There has been an increasing interest in composites containing low density and low cost reinforcements. Among various discontinuous dispersions used, fly-ash is one of the most less-expensive and low density reinforcement available in large quantities as solid waste by-product during combustion of coal in Thermal power plants. Alternatively Microspheres derived from the fly ash is also used as reinforcement in Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite to enhance the material properties. Hence, MMC’s uses fly ash and its derivatives used as reinforcement are likely to overcome the cost barrier for wide spread applications in automotive and other industrial applications.Similarly particulate reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite are gaining importance because of their low cost with advantages like isotropic properties and the possibility of secondary processing facilitating fabrication of secondary components. The Stir casting method based particulate reinforced Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites have higher specific strength, specific modulus and good wear resistance as compared to non-reinforced Al-alloys. They find wide applications in automobile and aerospace because of their excellent combination of physical, mechanical and tribological properties. Primarily because of their high specific strength and stiffness, these composite materials could also be used in Automobiles weight reduction and other applications. In this work a comparative study between Fly ash and Fly ash derived Microsphere base Al-MMC is explained in lucid manner.

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