
The results of researches on the infl uence of new metal and protein compounds in the feeding of rabbits and broiler chickens on the quality of meat have been presented in the paper. The researches have been aimed at solving the urgent problem of providing the population of country with complete-fl edged diets, which today account for up to 30 % of meat products. The paper shows that a lifetime change in the chemical composition and nutritional value of muscle tissue, obtaining functional foods is possible when correcting the micromineral part of the diet of animals through the use of metal and protein complexes Belmin and Chrombelmin. The use of modern research methods allowed us to determine the optimal rate of feeding these feed additives. The results have been shown that the inclusion in the diet of rabbits organic complex Belmin in an amount of 2,0 dose per head/day has increased content in muscle tissue of rabbits of iron (+37,8 %, P < 0,001), copper (+34,66 %, P < 0,001), zinc (+27,01 %, P < 0,001) and essential amino acids (+5,1–0,53 %). Feeding Chrombelmin to broiler chickens as part of compound feed (0,15 %) has increased the level of selenium in the chest muscle by 3 times (P < 0,001), in the femoral muscle – by 1,25 times. The content of manganese, zinc, and chromium changes slightly. In the breast muscle of broilers the lipid content has been increased by 1,37 % (P < 0,05), and in the femoral muscle it decreased by 1,11 % (P < 0,05). The use of metal and protein feed additives Belmin and Chrombelmin in animal husbandry increases productivity, as well as the production of meat products with the increase of content of micronutrients, which will provide the population with not only high-quality, but also useful for health food products.

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