
When a low fat content in grain feed, pigs lack energy, unsaturated fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, arachidonic), which play the role of biocatalysts in the body. With a shortage of fats, the growth of animals, especially young animals, slows down. The purpose of the work was to study the meat productivity of pigs when using vegetable oils in their diets. The results of the study of the chemical parameters of meat indicate that the quality of pork was due to the eff ect of adding oil to the diet in diff erent amounts, because under the same conditions of housing and feeding diff erent values of individual qualitative indicators were obtained. In animals of the 1st experimental group (1,0 % soybean oil) of Large White breed compared with animals of the control group, an increased content of total moisture in the muscle tissue by 0,46 abs.% was noted and in crossbreds by 0,37 abs.%, which indicated the best technological qualities of meat and less losses during cooking. The muscle tissue of pigs of the 1st experimental group in purebred and crossbred pigs contained 2,22 abs.% more fat than in the control group. There was more fat in the control group than in the 2nd experimental group by 1,60 abs.%. Pork in the 1st experimental groups both purebred and crossbred pigs due to the higher content of soy oil in the diet had a better organoleptic evaluation. The expediency of using vegetable oil when feeding young pigs of Large White breed and its crossbreds has been revealed. At the same time, the best results were noted when 1,0 % soybean oil was included in the compound feed. The dosage in the amount of 0,5 % soybean oil did not give positive results compared with the same dosage of sunfl ower oil in compound feed for the control group.

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