
The Hertz-Sneddon elastic indentation model is widely adopted in the biomechanical investigation of living cells and other soft materials using atomic force microscopy despite the explicit viscoelastic nature of these materials. In this work, we demonstrate that an exact analytical viscoelastic force model for power-law materials, can be interpreted as a time-dependent Hertz-Sneddon-like model. Characterizing fibroblasts (L929) and osteoblasts (OFCOLII) demonstrates the model's accuracy. Our results show that the difference between Young's modulus EY obtained by fitting force curves with the Hertz-Sneddon model and the effective Young's modulus derived from the viscoelastic force model is less than 3%, even when cells are probed at large forces where nonlinear deformation effects become significant. We also propose a measurement protocol that involves probing samples at different indentation speeds and forces, enabling the construction of the average viscoelastic relaxation function of samples by conveniently fitting the force curves with the Hertz-Sneddon model.

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