
An effective marketing strategy is a critical contribution in any business including the tourism sector. Understanding marketing strategies increases business performance. The purpose of this study is to determine how service marketing strategies impact small town tourism business owners. Using an econometric model, the implementation of the 4P mixed strategy on the profitability and potential of service providers in Molise is investigated. Revenue, cost, and profit are the three areas analyzed. Results showed that service operators have to place emphasis on research and development, reflecting cultural identities and the adoption of modern media. Operators should emphasize marketing and sales promotions through websites and social media. Creating a quality brand and setting reasonable prices without exploiting consumers are essential strategies. In conclusion, strategies that emphasize knowledge management and team building should be put into practice. This study could help tourism businesses in small regions to be more sustainable. It is the first research study where Stan Shih’s innovation smiling curve has been used in an Italian region.

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