
The purpose of this study was to measure the Community Satisfaction Index on the Pontianak Drive Thru Land Service (PERDANA) and to analyze the results of the level of community satisfaction on the PERDANA at the Pontianak City Land Office. This research uses quantitative research methods. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation studies. The data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the Community Satisfaction Index with Pontianak Drive Thru Land Services at the Pontianak City Land Office has been implemented properly with a high variable criterion of 89. The highest index value is 94 on the cost/tariff indicator. The lowest index value of 75 is on the Completion Time indicator. With the innovations that have been issued by the Pontianak City Land Office, it proves that the PERDANA gives satisfaction to the community. The Pontianak City Land Office can improve service quality in terms of service completion time such as being able to add PERDANA implementing officers in terms of correcting files online so that files can be corrected accurately and quickly and can maintain exchange system solutions (applicants provide physical files and officers provide Deposit Orders (Surat Perintah Setor/SPS)) so that there are no file arrears caused by applicants who have made payments but did not deliver physical files, and can improve service quality in terms of facilities, namely minimizing server downtime by updating the PERDANA website to an application that can be uploaded.

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