
Highlights Smoke samples collected with UAS during rangeland prescribed burns were used to develop representative smoke emission factors for rangeland fires. The head fire emission factors of PM2.5 and NOx were consistent with the low end of the range of flaming emission factors in the literature. The combination of high air temperatures and high absolute humidity resulted in higher levels of PM2.5 and O3 in smoke. Abstract.Prescribed burning is an ecological process critical to maintaining and improving rangeland ecosystems. Smoke impacts related to prescribed burning have been the subject of intense discussion and public debate. The objectives of this study were to collect accurate smoke emissions data using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and use the data to develop smoke emission factors representative of prescribed rangeland fires in the tallgrass prairie Flint Hills region of Kansas and Oklahoma. The emission factors will be used to improve the input parameters used in smoke modeling tools. Four prescribed burns on unique burn units were sampled for this study. Smoke emission factors were determined using the carbon mass balance method. Average emission factors for head fires were: PM2.5, 11.3±10.8g/kg fuel; NOx as NO, 1.4±0.9 g/kg fuel; CO2, 1569±28 g/kg fuel; CH4, 6.8±4.3 g/kg fuel; NMHC as propane, 3.3±2.5 g/kg fuel; and VOC as propane, 4.5±3.5 g/kg fuel. Compared with head fires, back fires tended to produce lower emissions of PM2.5 but higher emissions of NOx and VOC. Green, high-moisture vegetation present during the growing season fires in September resulted in a larger head fire PM2.5 emission factor compared to April fires. Generally, the combination of high air temperature and high absolute humidity resulted in high PM2.5 and O3 in smoke. Conducting prescribed fires under conditions of cool air temperature and low absolute humidity can reduce the generation of PM2.5 and O3 in smoke, as long as these conditions fall within the prescribed range for the burn. Keywords: Carbon mass balance, Drone, Fire, Grass, Ozone, Pasture, Prescribed burning, Rangeland management, Rangelands, Smoke emission factor, Tallgrass prairie, Unmanned aircraft system.

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