
To evaluate the validity and responsiveness of the self-administered Quality of Well-Being Scale (QWB-SA) and the 14-item Visual Function Index (VF-14) to assess patients having cataract surgery. Large Southern California health maintenance organization. This study comprised 233 adults who had uneventful small-incision (< 3.0 mm) phacoemulsification cataract extraction under local anesthesia. Patients were assessed before surgery as well as 4 to 6 weeks and 4 months after surgery using the QWB-SA and the VF-14. Postoperatively, patients reported significant improvements on QWB-SA (P < .005) and VF-14 (P < .001) measures. Those grouped by visual acuity in the operated eye and unoperated eye and first-eye surgery or second-eye surgery had significant changes in VF-14 results (P < .001). Improvements on the QWB-SA were significant except when the preoperative visual acuity was better than 20/40 in the operated eye or 20/50 in the unoperated eye and when patients had first-eye surgery. The vision-specific VF-14 was more sensitive to improvements after surgery than the more general QWB-SA. Both demonstrated a greater magnitude of change with lower baseline scores and correlated significantly with self-reported satisfaction and trouble with vision. Both the utility-based generic QWB-SA and disease-specific VF-14 profile were responsive to changes in quality of life after cataract surgery. The VF-14 was more sensitive to change but cannot be used for comparison across disease states or for policy analysis. The QWB-SA can be used to estimate the cost/utility of cataract surgery.

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