
This paper examines a typical Chinese coastal tourism destination, Lvshunkou District as an empirical example of comprehensive index of land use conflict and possible impacts on China’s tourism. This industry is facing a transition from “destination scenic spot tourism” to “holistic tourism” as well as the development of new tourism attractions. China’s tourism destinations face a new round of challenges as a result of construction and increased development. Tourism destination renovation/construction measured by the conflict degree of its land use and the evolution of this trend has important significance. This paper examines the spatial external pressure factor, spatial exposure and spatial risk effect value as specific indicators to measure the spatial conflict level, and establishes a mathematical model that measures the effect as a degree of land use conflict. In the past 10 years there have been attempts to stabilize land use through the implementation of comprehensive planning measures but even so the degree of land use conflict is increasing year by year. The areas of “basic out of control” and “serious out of control” are on the rise. This is probably related to dramatic development of tourism attractions.

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