
Rice is a commodity that holds a strategic position, and rice is also a strategic industry for the national economy. Marketing systems usually revolve around activities between suppliers of goods. In this case, the grain suppliers come from farmers. The process of marketing rice/grain from farmers will undergo a long process and will experience changes in prices from farmers to consumers. The study was conducted in Apala Village, Barebbo District, Bone Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The analysis used in this study is a qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis using the marketing margin formula and marketing efficiency. The study results show that the margin in the first channel Rp. 3,933 with an efficiency level of 14.3% and a margin for the second channel of Rp. 3, 033 with an efficiency level of 12.4%. H al showed that both lines estab asaran have been efficient.

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