
A comprehensive observing effort was undertaken to simultaneously obtain full Stokes profiles as well as longitudinal magnetogram maps of a positive plage region on 8 December, 1998 with the Michelson Doppler Imager, the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and Mt. Wilson Observatory magnetograph. We compare 1.2″ spatially-averaged signals of velocities as well as filter magneto-graph longitudinal flux signals with Stokes determined fluctuations in filling factor, field inclination, magnetic flux and field strength. The velocity signals are in excellent agreement. Michelson Doppler Imager magnetic flux correlates best with fluctuations in the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter filling factor, not inclination angle or field strength. A correlated flux and filling factor change in the absence of a field strength fluctuation can be understood in terms of internally unperturbed flux tubes being buffeted by external pressure fluctuations. The 12.5″ square aperture spatially averaged Mt. Wilson magnetograph signals are compared with Michelson Doppler Imager signals from the corresponding observing area. Velocity signals are in superb agreement. Magnetic signals exhibit similar oscillatory behavior. Lack of Advanced Stokes Polarimeter data for this time excludes interpretation of magnetic fluctuations as due to filling factor or field inclination angle. Mt. Wilson Observatory simultaneous sampling of the nickel and sodium spectral line profiles with several wing pairs allowed inter-comparison of signals from different heights of formation. Slight phase shifts and large propagation speeds for the velocity signals are indicative of modified standing waves. Phase speeds associated with magnetic signals are characteristic of photospheric Alfven speeds for plage fields. The phase speed increase with height agrees with the altitude dependence of the Alfven speed. The observed fluctuations and phases are interpreted as a superposition of signatures from the horizontal component of the driving mechanism sweeping the field lines in/out of the resolution area and the magnetic response of the flux tube to this buffeting.

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