
Volatility is a very important variable in financial research, and so is the volatility risk premium. This article constructs upward, downward and overall volatility risk premiums based on the daily data of Shanghai 50 ETF options and the 5-minute high-frequency data of the Shanghai 50 Index from February 9, 2015 to February 28, 2020. The quantile regression method is used to predict the return of the Shanghai 50 Index in the next 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, 270 days, and 360 days. Our study finds that the 0.05 quantile has the best prediction effect, and the overall volatility risk premium is better than the upward and downward volatility risk premiums in most of the time, which shows overall risk premium has more information than others.

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