
Primary care is increasingly contributing to improving the quality of patient care. This has imposed significant demands on clinicians with rising needs and limited resources. Organizational culture and climate have been found to be crucial in improving workforce well-being and hence quality of care. The objectives of this study are to identify organizational culture and climate measures used in primary care from 2008 to 2019 and evaluate their psychometric properties. Data sources include PubMed, PsycINFO, HAPI, CINAHL, and Mental Measurements Yearbook. Bibliographies of relevant articles were reviewed and a cited reference search in Scopus was performed. Eligibility criteria include primary health care professionals, primary care settings, and use of measures representing the general concept of organizational culture and climate. Consensus-Based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN) guidelines were followed to evaluate individual studies for methodological quality, rate results of measurement properties, qualitatively pool studies by measure, and grade evidence. Of 1745 initial studies, 42 studies met key study inclusion criteria, with 27 measures available for review (16 for organizational culture, 11 for organizational climate). There was considerable variability in measures, both conceptually and in psychometric quality. Many reported limited or no psychometric information. Notable measures selected for frequent use and strength and applicability of measurement properties include the Culture Questionnaire adapted for health care settings, Practice Culture Assessment, and Medical Group Practice Culture Assessment for organizational culture. Notable climate measures include the Nurse Practitioner Primary Care Organizational Climate Questionnaire, Practice Climate Survey, and Task and Relational Climate Scale. This synthesis and appraisal of organizational culture and climate measures can help investigators make informed decisions in choosing a measure or deciding to develop a new one. In terms of limitations, ratings should be considered conservative due to adaptations of the COSMIN protocol for clinician populations. CRD 42019133117.

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