
Problem statement. Forensic explosive examination - a type of forensic examination, the subject of which is the actual data (circumstances), which are related to determining the group affiliation and a single source of explosive devices as a whole or their fragments (fragments), elements of explosive devices, explosion circumstances are established on the basis of special knowledge in the field of forensic explosives on issues raised for examination. The article is aimed at determining the main factors and causes of fires and explosions during storage, detonation of explosives, as well as provide recommendations for the use of technical means for forensic explosives. The purpose of research. To analyze the main factors and causes of fire and explosion hazard during storage, detonation of explosives, provide recommendations for the use of technical means for judicial explosives, as well as recommendations for storage of explosives. In the course of fire technical examinations and research, the following issues are resolved: where was the source of the fire; the ways in which the flames spread; what is the cause of the fire; whether the Rules of fire safety at the site were violated; whether there is a causal link between the fire and the fire condition of the facility. Conclusions. In the course of explosive examinations and research, the following issues are resolved: what is the subject submitted for research; whether the object submitted for examination is equipped with an explosive; whether the object submitted for research belongs to the category of explosive devices (ammunition); Is the explosive device detonated in this place? If so, what type of device does it belong to (what are its design features, country of manufacture, etc.); whether the objects found at the scene (in the body of the victim) are parts of an explosive device; in what way, improvised or industrial, the explosive device is made; what was the way of undermining, was used in this case; if ammunition is detonated, what type they belong to (grenades, mines, shells, etc.); whether this device can cause an explosion; whether the materials provided to the expert contain data indicating the personality traits of the manufacturer of the explosive device (professional skills, degree of knowledge of the technology of manufacture and use of explosive devices, etc.); or the same design of an improvised explosive device, parts of which were found at the scene, and a model made by a citizen. The analysis of the main factors and causes of danger during storage and detonation of explosives is carried out. Innovative developments of technical means for forensic explosive and fire technical examinations are presented, which have important practical, economic and social significance and significantly reduce the risk factors for injuries or deaths of personnel. Recommendations for the design of explosives storage facilities are provided.

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