
As 2 years have passed since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we had an examination of the measures taken at the perinatal medical and child centers during this period at 42 National University Hospital. The first questionnaire survey was conducted during March 17-25, 2022 and the second questionnaire survey was conducted during April 4-30, 2022. For the treatment of pregnant women with COVID-19, a public health center-coordinated triage system had been created and implemented in each region and prefecture. The issues related to the hospital management of pregnant women with COVID-19 include the hindrances to the normal functioning of the center, the limited number of hospital beds and medical care systems as the beds were dedicated to patients with COVID-19, and the problems associated with the mode of delivery. There were no set rules regarding the management of mothers and babies at delivery and thereafter. Initially, cesarean delivery was allowed in almost all cases to reduce the risk of exposure to medical staff. Furthermore, many institutions did not permit expressed breast milk feeding and direct breastfeeding during the quarantine period. The COVID-19 pandemic has been created a shortage of healthcare delivery systems. It is expected that the emergence of new infectious diseases and pandemics will cause the same pressure on systems providing healthcare in the future.

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