
Climate change and variability are arguably one of humanity’s most significant challenges. Developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), such as Ghana, are uncertain and at risk, because temperatures in SSA are rising faster than the global mean temperature. These countries are also more vulnerable because they mainly depend on agriculture, the most climate-sensitive sector. The Volta River Basin (VRB) is an essential transboundary basin in West Africa that covers about 410 thousand square kilometers across six countries. These countries are Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Mali, and Togo. Its natural resources sustain the livelihoods of its population and contribute to economic development in Ghana and neighboring countries. This study investigates climate change impacts and adaptation strategies to optimize resource use in the VRB. Cli-Run, Cli-Crop, and Impend models simulated dry and wet climate change scenarios, river basin modeling of hydrology, and cropping systems. This study presented several adaptation scenarios’ results relevant to the water and agriculture sectors. These adaptation measures are a high priority for short and long-term adaptation to climate change. In the various Ghana agroclimatic zones, the construction of more dams for irrigation projects and sub-surface water storage is identified as necessary for sustainable water management. Measures rated high priority include monitoring systems, managing water resources more efficiently, and identifying specific crop/livestock adaptation needs suitable for various agro-ecological zones. Other measures include constructing small to mid-size irrigation dams, improving the land tenure system, promoting agribusiness and entrepreneurial skills to generate off-farm income, and improving access to loans and microcredit. Climate adaptation practices are needed at the strategic national and regional levels to assure wider stakeholders’ participation and be more resilient against climate change.

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