
AbstractThis paper presents a digital‐twin based tool that can be used for bridge management. The tool offers various capabilities that include embedding BIM geometries, simulations, measurements, GIS location, and performance analysis. These features enable efficient and effective management of bridges by providing detailed information and analysis of the bridge's performance, which can help in identifying potential issues and implementing appropriate solutions. The methodology represents one of the outcomes of Ashvin, an H2020 project aimed to providing assistant solution for design, construction and management of infrastructure systems. The hitherto obtained findings include this digital tool which can be of practical and beneficial use for bridge owners and operators, as it can help them to organize and centralize the bridge data in a way it helps making informed decisions regarding the maintenance, repair, and replacement of bridges. Overall, this paper highlights the importance of embracing technology in the management of critical infrastructure such as bridges, which can significantly improve their performance and extend their lifespan.

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