
Underwater sounds produced by a concrete island drilling structure (CIDS) located in the Camden Bay region of the Alaskan sector of the Beaufort Sea were measured during idle and drilling operations, by use of both Nagra model IV-SJ and TEAC digital audio tape model RD101T recording systems. The wideband sound-pressure level at 1370 m recorded by the Nagra system, with a low-frequency recording limit of about 20 Hz, was 89.7 dB re:1μPa. The TEAC DAT system, with a low-frequency recording limit of 0.2 Hz set by Brüel & Kjaer type 2635 charge amplifier, at 1370 m recorded a sound-pressure level of 111.9 dB re: 1μPa. At a distance of 22 km the underwater, wideband sound exposure level of a single report of the airgun on the geophysical survey vessel Western Aleutian was 142.8 dB re: (1μPa)2s.

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