
The reaction cross sections of 32S(n,p) 32P and 35Cl(n,α) 32P were measured in the energy range 13.3–14.9 MeV using the D-T neutron source of the FNS (Fusion Neutron Source) facility. The activation technique, in combination with the Cherenkov radiation counting of 32P activity in aqueous solution, was employed. The cross sections were determined relative to the 93Nb(n,2n) 92mNb cross section. The obtained data were compared with latest evaluations as well as with experimental data in the literature. An integral experiment was performed in order to verify the cross sections for the 32S(n,p) 32P and 32Cl(n,α) 32P reactions in the following comprehensive activation libraries: JENDL Activation File, ADL-3T, EAF-3.1 and FENDL/A-1.0. Reaction rates for the two reactions were measured in five different neutron fields generated in a beryllium assembly bombarded by D-T neutrons, and the experimental values were compared with those calculated with the four libraries. As a result, it was found that the evaluated cross sections for 32S(n,p) 32P in JENDL, EAF and FENDL and those for 35Cl(n,α) 32P in EAF and FENDL were valid over the energy range from their threshold energies to 15 MeV while the others were not.

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