
Activation cross sections for (n, p) and (n, α) reactions were measured by the activation method in the energy range of 2.1–3.1 MeV. The irradiated target isotopes were 27Al, 41K, 47Ti, 51V, 54Fe, 59Co, 58, 61Ni, 65Cu, 67Zn, 69Ga, 79Br, 92Mo, 93Nb, and 96Ru. The cross sections for 41K (n, p) 41Ar, 61Ni (n, p) 61Co, 65Cu (n, p) 65Ni, 67Zn (n, p) 67Cu, 79Br (n, p) 79mSe, 96Ru (n, p) 96m+gTc, and 69Ga (n, α) 66Cu reactions were obtained for the first time. Irradiation was from the d-D neutron source of the Fusion Neutronics Source at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. All cross section values were determined relative to those of the 115In (n, n′) 115mIn reaction. To obtain reliable activation cross sections, careful attention was paid to correct neutron irradiation and to correct the measurement of induced activity as well as to determine the mean neutron energy at the irradiation positions. To measure weak activity levels, a highly efficient measuring technique with a well-type High Purity Germanium detector was applied to the activities. The present results were compared against the comprehensive evaluated data in JENDL-3.3,-3.2, and-Activation File 96 as well as in ENDF/B-VI, and FENDL/A-2.0. We concluded that the evaluated data for 41K (n, p) 41Ar, 51V (n, p) 51Ti, 61Ni (n, p) 61Co, 79Br (n, p) 79mSe, 96Ru (n, p) 96m+gTc, 69Ga (n, α) 66Cu, and 93Nb (n, α) 90mY reactions were overestimated or underestimated by more than 30%.

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