
AbstractThe main objective of our work is to measure238U,232Th,222Rn and220Rn in different table oil samples using a method based on the use of two types of solid nuclear track detectors: CR- 39 and LR-115 II in order to determine the doses of radiation received by the individuals following ingestion of the samples of table oil studied. Indeed, we have developed an original method based on the determination of the detection efficiencies of CR-39 and LR-115 II solid nuclear track detectors for alpha particles emitted from the uranium 238 and thorium 232 series to evaluate238U,232Th,222Rn and220Rn concentrations in different table oil samples. We were able to determine doses of radiation due to238U,232Th and222Rn received by individuals of the Moroccan, French, Italy, Spain and Tunisia populations following the ingestion of table oil.The effective doses committed due to238U,232Th, and222Rn following the ingestion of the table oil by the consumers were determined. The maximum total committed effective dose was found equal to (10±0.7) µSv·y−1of the Moroccan population, (11.6±0.7) µSv·y−1of the French population, (10.3±0.7) µSv.y−1of the Italian population, (10.4±0.5) µSv·y−1of the Spanish population and (10.5±0.7) µSv·y−1of the Tunisian population is much lower than the average dose given by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation [1] for ingestion (0.2 to 0.8 mSv·y−1). The results obtained using our method are in very good agreement with those obtained using the model of the International Commission on Radiological Protection

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