
Two techniques for the measurement of work function (WF) in a typical Auger electron spectrometer - the cylindrical mirror analyzer (CMA) - will be described and discussed. The first, utilizing shifts in the secondary electron emission threshold, has been more widely used by other workers. A means for computerization and discussion of the accuracy to be expected, as well as applications of this method to the adsorption of gases and metals on various substrates, will be given. Associated with this discussion will be observations on surface states and surface state spectroscopy. The second method for determining WF in a CMA is applicable in cases where a hot, electron emitting sample is to be studied; it does not appear to have been used in any previous studies. Results on WF variation with temperature from several dispenser cathodes will be used to illustrate this method which has the additional advantage over other thermionic emission measurements of not suffering from space charge limitations.

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