
Abstract A simple and practical method is presented for determining the apparent thermal properties of sand molds suitable for use in foundries. The apparent conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and specific heat are readily and accurately determined for five types of sand molds from a heat balance analysis of the sand mold during the solidification of the casting. The accuracy of the data obtained is demonstrated by the good agreement between the measured temperature distributions and those calculated by numerical techniques using the apparent thermal properties obtained from the heat balance analysis. Resume Une methode simple et pratique est presentee afin de determiner les proprietes thermiques apparentes de moules de sabledestines a etre utilises en fonderie. La conductivite apparente, la diffusivite thermique et la chaleur specifique sont facilement et precisement obtenues pour cinq types de moule en sable au moyen d'une analyse de bilan thermique du moule durant la solidification du lingot. La precis...

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