
AbstractA two‐column experiment was designed to measure the primary and cross‐coupling transport coefficients for the simultaneous flow of heat and moisture through a medium sand (Plainfield sand) in the liquid‐dominated regime of moisture flow. Values for the moisture diffusivity and thermal conductivity were obtained in the range from 20% to 90% of saturation. Thermal conductivity values fell within ± 7% of a curve calculated by the method of de Vries. In addition, the coefficient for transport of heat under gradients of moisture content was found to be zero within the accuracy of the experiment. The experiment was not sufficiently accurate to yield quantitative estimates of the coefficient for transport of moisture by temperature gradients, so a different experiment was performed to measure this coefficient indirectly. In this latter experiment the dependence of soil water potential upon temperature was found to be as much as five times larger than predicted by the surface tension model used by Philip and de Vries. These large values suggest that thermal effects should be considered for long‐term movement of soil moisture, and perhaps in certain circumstances for shorter term simulations in moist soil.

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