
The present article is devoted to measuring a person’s cognitive potential on the obtained experimental data to reveal its potentialities, as well as to monitor their dynamics, for example, for the diagnosis of recovery after an illness. This objective is divided in this study into two problems. Namely, estimation of the cognitive potential requires two algorithms to be developed: first, for assessment of the cognitive-complexity level of tasks and, second, for the system of cognitive-potential levels for an individual. The methods rely on a set of experimental techniques, including tailor-made proprietary ones, as well as on mathematical methods for data processing and calculation of introduced specific parameters for formalization of the cognitive potential. On the basis of these methods, methods (and specific formulas) are proposed for calculation of the cognitive potential of an individual using experimental data and tasks of different levels of complexity. As a part of this study, a methodology for determination of the cognitive potential is designed based on the theory of information patterns/representations. For objectification of cognitive skills (including so-called “soft skills”), a special-purpose web toolkit was developed. The obtained values allow one to study how social, genetic, and pathogenetic factors influence the dynamics of cognitive features. A new theoretical and technological platform for digital mapping and optimization of cognitive functions is proposed.

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