
Laser Stark spectroscopy has been performed on s-tetrazine molecules in a collimated, seeded supersonic beam. The Stark splittings and shifts of the rR(0)00 and the pP(1)10 lines in the vibrationless A 1B3u←X 1Ag transition could be measured in a static homogeneous electric field. The determined polarizability anisotropy of the A 1B3u state is 1/2(P′aa+Pbb)−P′cc =6.7(2) Å3, and of the X 1Ag ground state 1/2(P■aa+P″bb) −P■cc=0.8(2) Å3. The difference in the average polarizability P=1/3(Paa+Pbb+Pcc) between these two states was found to be ΔP=P′−P″=1.4(2) Å3.

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