
In 2015, the construction of the accelerator complex NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) was started. The NICA complex includes a heavy ion injection complex, new booster synchrotron (Booster), superconducting (SC) synchrotron Nuclotron and collider consisting of two vertically separated SC rings (Baldin A.M. et al., 1994). This article presents two methods of determination of the static heat leak and dynamic heat releases for all SC magnets of accelerator complex NICA and comparative analysis these methods. The static heat leak was determined by the calorimetric method. The experimental results obtained are compared with calculated dates of static heat leak. The dynamic heat releases was determined by calorimetric and electrical methods in the pulse cycle with a maximum field amplitude of 1.8 T and a speed field 1.2 T/s. The cooling capacity of the cryogenic central station for the NICA accelerator complex was estimated on the base of the results of the cryogenic tests SC magnets.

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