
Nonradiative recombination in 1.58-μm wavelength GaInAsP/InP crystals is discussed with the measured results of the light output saturation and the carrier lifetime of light emitting diodes. Measured results of the spontaneous emission efficiency depend strongly on temperature, and nonradiative recombination is dominant in the carrier lifetime at room temperature. The reciprocal of nonradiative recombination time 1/τNR is expanded into the power series of the carrier density n as Ā+B̄NRn+C̄n2, where the three terms express the nonradiative centers, the carrier overflow, and the Auger recombination, respectively. It is shown that the coefficient C̄ is almost constant for temperature while B̄NR increases rapidly with increasing temperature, and Ā is negligible. The proportions of the carrier overflow and Auger recombination in the above approximation of 1/τNR are 71 and 29%, respectively, at room temperature at the carrier density of 1×1018 cm−3.

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