
In order to test modern theories of two-nucleon bound and scattering states, we have measured the spin polarization of ejectile protons in the electrodisintegration reaction d( e → ,e′ p → )n . Compared with spin-averaged observations, these observables offer the potential of enhanced sensitivity to details of the reaction process. The experiment was carried out in quasielastic kinematics ( q μq μ=−2m pω=−0.38 GeV 2/c 2). Protons were detected at two angles corresponding to neutron recoil momenta p r of 0 and 100 MeV/c. Full nonrelativistic calculations of the polarization transfer components s l and s t , including leading order relativistic contributions, describe our measurements well, but calculations of the induced polarization s n at p r =100 MeV/c underpredict the experimental result.

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