
Liquid lead and the eutectic lead-bismuth alloy (PbBi) are considered both as a spallation tar-get and coolant of an accelerator driven system (ADS) for the transmutation of long-lived actinides from nuclear waste into shorter living isotopes. It is known that both, pure lead and PbBi, exhibit a high corrosion affinity against austenitic and ferritic steels, because of the high solubility of nickel and iron in PbBi. Thermodynamic calculations and experimental results have confirmed, that the control of oxygen in lead or PbBi within a defined activity range can lead to acceptable corrosion rates. To control the level of oxygen dissolved in lead or PbBi, a sensor for measuring the oxygen activity is required. Within the Sodium Fast Breeder Reactor Development, an adequate tech-nique was established for estimating oxygen in liquid sodium. This knowledge can be used for other metal/oxygen systems like oxygen in PbBi. For measuring the oxygen activity and calculating its concentration, the relevant thermodynamic and solubility data have to be con-sidered. Reference electrode systems: Pt/air, In/In2O3 and Bi/Bi2O3 (all based on yttria stabi-lized zirconia as solid electrolyte) are investigated to evaluate their EMF-temperature depend-ency in saturated and unsaturated oxygen solutions. Results with all types of oxygen meters in PbBi at different oxygen levels were compared with theoretical calculations. The experimen-tal data indicate that the design, construction and integration of an oxygen control unit in a large scale PbBi-loop seems to be very feasible. A HGF Strategy Fund Project entitled Thermalhydraulic and material specific investigations regarding the realization of an Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) to transmute minor acti-nides is performed at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. The objective of this project is to de-velop new technologies and manufacture thermally highly-loaded surfaces, which are cooled by a corrosive lead-bismuth eutectic. The corrosion challenge for possibly structure, window and cladding materials (as vital components of an ADS spallation target for flowing lead-bismuth) must be solved. The beam window can be cooled by liquid Pb or PbBi in natural or forced circulation flow. Corrosion caused by liquid PbBi is generally, as for other liquid metal systems related to the solubility of oxygen. The EMF method is used to measure the oxygen potential in lead-bismuth loops in order to control and prevent the corrosion of the materials used. The experimental investigations are performed in the KArlsruhe Lead LAboratory KALLA.

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