
This study aimed to improve Bali cattle's efficiency and productivity by measuring ovarian follicles and vaginal temperature in Bali cattle that experienced a silent heat using ten bali cattle with normal estrus and bali cattle that experience a silent heat. The research samples were divided into two groups: Bali cattle that showed normal estrus (grup I) and Bali cattle that experienced a silent heat (grup II), with each group consisted of 5 replications. Furthermore, all the cows were measured for vaginal measurements at the time of estrus and 24 hours after estrus. While ovarian follicles are measured at the time of estrus. The results showed that the average vaginal temperature of Bali cattle was 38.40 ± 0.130 C and 38.04 ± 0.130 C respectively for Bali estrus cattle and Bali cattle which experienced a silent heat and statistically showed a significant difference (P<0.05). The Bali cattle follicles' average diameter is 10.60 ± 1.14 and 7.32 ± 0.37 mm, respectively, for the normal estrus and which experience a silent heat, and statistically show a significant difference (P<0.05). From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the vaginal temperature of bali cattle with normal estrus is higher than that of bali cattle which experience a silent heat, and ovarian follicle diameter in normal estrus is greater than the diameter of the ovarian follicles of bali cattle that experience silent heat.


  • PENDAHULUAN Rendahnya angka kebuntingan atau kelahiran sapi Bali sampai saat ini belum terjawab

  • The research samples were divided into two groups: Bali cattle that showed normal estrus and Bali cattle that experienced a silent heat, with each group consisted of 5 replications

  • While ovarian follicles are measured at the time of estrus

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Sampel Penelitian Materi yaang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 10 ekor sapi Bali betina yang sudah 2 kali beranak, dan mengalami silent heat setelah melahirkan di Teching Farm Centra Pembibitan Sapi Bali Sobangan Badung-Bali. Semua sapi memperoleh pakan yang sama yaitu rumput dan batang jagung

Rancangan Penelitian Peneltian ini menggunakan Rancangan
Prosedur Penelitian Penentuan Estrus
Pengukuran Temperatur Vagina
Silent Heat
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