
There is an engineering demand to measure the internal temperature distribution of objects non-destructively. If the measurement can be made from the outside by some methods without inserting a thermometer into the object, such applications as measurements of the internal temperature of the object under a certain chemical reaction can be considered. The measurement of the internal temperature of a living body under cancer hyperthermia is a typical example [1]. To such demands, we have invented the application of ultrasonic CT [2][3], At first, for the purpose of investigating how small a difference in temperature could be discriminated using the ultrasonic CT, we assumed water as the medium of ultrasound and simulated the measurement process. When ultrasound is propagated in water, the propagation velocity differs with temperature. Therefore, the measurement of internal temperature distribution was considered to be possible if we record this ultrasonic propagation time.KeywordsTemperature DifferenceJapanese CedarUltrasonic VelocityInternal TemperatureStandard TemperatureThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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