
With the growing demand for sustainable energy and infrastructure development in the country, the utilization of deep geothermal resources and the development of deep underground space engineering are becoming more and more important. Under the background that the country vigorously promotes the development of deep rock and soil underground space and the utilization of resources. The experiment will be performed on granite, one of the deep subsurface rocks, a rock type widely used in geotechnical research projects because of its high strength, low permeability and thermal stability. However, its properties under the extreme temperature and chemical conditions deep in the earth are unknown, and how to efficiently convert deep rocks into geothermal resources for utilization is still unknown. Therefore, studying the influence of temperature and chemical corrosion on the resistivity of granite is very important to ensure the safety and durability of underground structures and effectively utilize thermal energy resources in deep underground. This experiment will control the influence of temperature, pressure, chemical corrosion and the comprehensive effect of the three on the resistivity of granite, and indirectly measure the amount of heat absorbed in the granite rock mass. Simulate the deep underground granite under high confining pressure, high ground temperature and corrosion conditions the nature of the performance. Record, count and analyze the data, comprehensively judge the environmental interference of the granite rock formation under actual conditions and compare the destructive effects of temperature and chemical corrosion and the change of the resistivity of the rock mass. Help scientifically judge and accurately analyze the underground construction problems that may be encountered in future projects and the effective utilization of geothermal energy and provide a basis for the application of key technologies and methods.

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