
A measurement of fiducial and differential cross-sections for W^+W^- production in proton–proton collisions at sqrt{s}=13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.1 hbox {fb}^{-1} is presented. Events with one electron and one muon are selected, corresponding to the decay of the diboson system as WWrightarrow e^{pm }nu mu ^{mp }nu . To suppress top-quark background, events containing jets with a transverse momentum exceeding 35 GeV are not included in the measurement phase space. The fiducial cross-section, six differential distributions and the cross-section as a function of the jet-veto transverse momentum threshold are measured and compared with several theoretical predictions. Constraints on anomalous electroweak gauge boson self-interactions are also presented in the framework of a dimension-six effective field theory.


  • Background estimationAfter applying all selection requirements described in Sect. 4, the dominant background is from top-quark production

  • The W Z background simulation is validated in data using events that allow for the presence of a third loosely isolated lepton with pT > 10 GeV and require the same-flavour lepton pair to be of opposite sign and with invariant mass of 80 GeV < mee/μμ < 100 GeV, while otherwise passing the signal region selection

  • The measurement is compared with the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) quantum chromodynamics (QCD) MATRIX predictions including the full set of QCD and EW

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ATLAS detector

The ATLAS detector [28] at the LHC is a multipurpose particle detector with a forward–backward symmetric cylindrical geometry and nearly 4π coverage in solid angle It consists of inner tracking devices surrounded by a superconducting solenoid, electromagnetic (EM) and hadronic calorimeters, and a muon spectrometer. The inner detector (ID) provides charged-particle tracking in the pseudorapidity region |η| < 2.5 and vertex reconstruction. It comprises a silicon pixel detector, a silicon microstrip tracker, and a straw-tube transition radiation tracker. The muon spectrometer (MS) is operated in a magnetic field provided by air-core superconducting toroids and includes tracking chambers for precise muon momentum measurements up to |η| = 2.7 and trigger chambers covering the range |η| < 2.4. The first level is implemented in custom electronics, while the second trigger level is a flexible softwarebased system

Data and simulated event samples
Event reconstruction and selection
Missing transverse momentum
Signal region definition
Background estimation
Background from top-quark production
Background from Drell–Yan production
The transverse mass is defined as: mT
Background from multi-boson production
W W candidate events and estimated background yields
Fiducial cross-section determination
Systematic uncertainties
Theoretical predictions
Cross-section measurements and comparisons with theoretical predictions
Limits on anomalous gauge couplings
10 Conclusion
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