
A measurement is presented of electroweak (EW) production of a mathrm{W} boson in association with two jets in proton–proton collisions at sqrt{s}=13,text {Te}text {V} . The data sample was recorded by the CMS Collaboration at the LHC and corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 35.9,text {fb}^{-1}. The measurement is performed for the ell nu jj final state (with ell nu indicating a lepton–neutrino pair, and j representing the quarks produced in the hard interaction) in a kinematic region defined by invariant mass m_mathrm {jj} >120,text {Ge}text {V} and transverse momenta p_mathrm {T j} > 25,text {Ge}text {V} . The cross section of the process is measured in the electron and muon channels yielding sigma _mathrm {EW}(mathrm{W} mathrm {jj})= 6.23 pm 0.12 ,text {(stat)} pm 0.61 ,text {(syst)} ,text {pb} per channel, in agreement with leading-order standard model predictions. The additional hadronic activity of events in a signal-enriched region is studied, and the measurements are compared with predictions. The final state is also used to perform a search for anomalous trilinear gauge couplings. Limits on anomalous trilinear gauge couplings associated with dimension-six operators are given in the framework of an effective field theory. The corresponding 95% confidence level intervals are -2.3< c_{{mathrm{W} mathrm{W} mathrm{W}}}/varLambda ^2 < 2.5,text {Te}text {V} ^{-2}, -8.8< c_{mathrm{W}}/varLambda ^2 < 16,text {Te}text {V} ^{-2}, and -45< c_{mathrm{B}}/varLambda ^2 < 46,text {Te}text {V} ^{-2}. These results are combined with the CMS EW mathrm{Zjj} analysis, yielding the constraint on the c_{{mathrm{W} mathrm{W} mathrm{W}}} coupling: -1.8< c_{{mathrm{W} mathrm{W} mathrm{W}}}/varLambda ^2 < 2.0,text {Te}text {V} ^{-2}.


  • The cross section of the electroweak production of a W boson in association with two jets is measured in the kinematic region defined as invariant mass mjj > 120 GeV and transverse momenta pTj > 25 GeV

  • Page 23 of 46 43 measured cross section σEW(Wjj) = 6.23 ± 0.12 ± 0.61 pb agrees with the leading order standard model p√resd=ict1io3nT.eVTh. is is the first observation of this process at

  • A search is performed for anomalous trilinear gauge couplings associated with dimension-six operators as given in the framework of an effective field theory

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Signal events are simulated at leading order (LO) using the MadGraph5_amc@nlo (v2.3.3) Monte Carlo (MC) generator [21], interfaced with pythia (v8.212) [22] for parton showering (PS) and hadronization. The simulated cross section for the νjj final state (with = e, μ or τ ), applying the above requirements, is σLO(EW νjj) = 6.81+−00..0036 (scale) ± 0.26 (PDFs) pb, where the first uncertainty is obtained by changing simultaneously the factorization (μF) and renormalization (μR) scales by factors of 2 and 1/2, and the second one reflects the uncertainties in the NNPDF30 PDFs. The LO signal cross section and relevant kinematic distributions estimated with MadGraph5_amc@nlo are in agreement within 2– 5% with the next-to-leading-order (NLO) predictions of the vbfnlo generator (v2.6.3) [25,26,27], which include QCD NLO corrections to the LO ME-level diagrams evaluated with MadGraph5_amc@nlo. The ‘EWdim6NLO’ model [8,21] is used for the generation of anomalous couplings

Discriminating quarks from gluons
Theoretical uncertainties
11.1 Statistical analysis
11.2 Results
11.3 Combination with the VBF Z boson production analysis
12.1 Jet activity studies in a high-purity region
12.2 Study of charged hadron activity
12.3 Study of hadronic activity vetoes
A Additional rapidity gap observables
B Jet activity in signal-depleted region
Hadronic activity vetoes
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