
We present measurements of the 2p-3d transition opacity of a hot molybdenum–scandium sample with nearly half-vacant molybdenum M-shell configurations. A plastic-tamped molybdenum–scandium foil sample is radiatively heated to high temperature in a compact D-shaped gold Hohlraum driven by ∼30 kJ laser energy at the SG-100 kJ laser facility. X rays transmitted through the molybdenum and scandium plasmas are diffracted by crystals and finally recorded by image plates. The electron temperatures in the sample in particular spatial and temporal zones are determined by the K-shell absorption of the scandium plasma. A combination of the IRAD3D view factor code and the MULTI hydrodynamic code is used to simulate the spatial distribution and temporal behavior of the sample temperature and density. The inferred temperature in the molybdenum plasma reaches a average of 138 ± 11 eV. A detailed configuration-accounting calculation of the n = 2–3 transition absorption of the molybdenum plasma is compared with experimental measurements and quite good agreement is found. The present measurements provide an opportunity to test opacity models for complicated M-shell configurations.

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