
A theory of the measurement-induced entanglement phase transition for free-fermion models in d>1 dimensions is developed. The critical point separates a gapless phase with ℓ^{d-1}lnℓ scaling of the second cumulant of the particle number and of the entanglement entropy and an area-law phase with ℓ^{d-1} scaling, where ℓ is a size of the subsystem. The problem is mapped onto an SU(R) replica nonlinear sigma model in d+1 dimensions, with R→1. Using renormalization-group analysis, we calculate critical indices in one-loop approximation justified for d=1+ε with ε≪1. Further, we carry out a numerical study of the transition for a d=2 model on a square lattice, determine numerically the critical point, and estimate the critical index of the correlation length, ν≈1.4.

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