
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this annual report is to provide a summary of measurement in physical education and exercise science-related activities in 2017. A recent trend for an annual increase in manuscript submissions to measurement in physical education and exercise science continued in 2017. Twenty-nine countries were represented (i.e., corresponding author) with the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Spain, and Australia collectively accounting for slightly more than two-thirds of the submissions. Measurement in physical education and exercise science continues to welcome high-quality submissions from around the world in 2018. More than three-quarters of the manuscripts that were submitted to measurement in physical education and exercise science in 2017 were submitted to the exercise science section or the physical activity section or the research methodology and statistics section. Measurement in physical education and exercise science continues to welcome high-quality submissions within each of the seven sections that comprise the journal in 2018. We also gratefully acknowledge the many scholars from around the world who served as a reviewer for measurement in physical education and exercise science in 2017. Twenty-two countries were represented with the United States, Australia, Hong Kong, Spain, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Germany collectively accounting for more than 85% of the total number of reviewers. Measurement in physical education and exercise science continues to welcome high-quality manuscript reviews from around the world in 2018. Volume 21 (i.e., the volume published in 2017) of measurement in physical education and exercise science published a total of 26 manuscripts. More than three-quarters of the published manuscripts were submitted to the research methodology and statistics section or the physical education pedagogy section or the exercise science section or the physical activity section. Twelve countries were represented with the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia collectively accounting for approximately three-fourths of the publications. Measurement in physical education and exercise science continues to strive for publishing high-quality manuscripts from around the world in 2018.

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