
In modern business, the rivalry has shifted from price to non-price, necessitating the use of not just the market, but also marketing tactics. Consumers are frequently connected to a product or a brand that is associated with their own identity. Positive purchase intention may be established through successful Brand personality as customers develop associations in their mental maps by responding to a brand. This study attempts to investigate whether the brand personality dimensions proposed by Aaker (1997) may be applied to Indian apparel businesses targeted at Generation Y. The study’s findings support the commonly acknowledged dimensions of brand personality, which are vigorous, integrity, charismatic, uniqueness, and versatility. However, due to the postmodern lifestyle of Generation Y, ruggedness was not extracted. The study discovered a new personality dimension for apparel brands that are Unique and versatile and might be further explored in more detail in the future. We offer recommendations for apparel brand managers on different marketing mix activities they might use to communicate alternative brand personas to Generation Y.

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