
Analysis of about 140 oxygen uptake curves from standard biodegradation tests with the electrolytic respirometer yielded growth kinetic parameter values. The maximum observed growth rate, μmax, on the 52 different substances varied between 1 and 6/day. The measurement of the half-saturation constantKsat the depletion phase of the oxygen uptake curves appeared problematic. For 24 substances the values were below 1 mg ThOD/liter. Apparently highKsvalues of several tenth mg ThOD/liter for the other 28 substances are explained by retarded mineralization of intermediates due to the relatively high initial test concentrations of up to 300 mg ThOD/liter. At lower test concentrations (down to 15 mg ThOD/liter) the measuredKsvalues for these substances were also typically below or around 1 mg ThOD/liter. Based on the above-mentioned maximum growth rates and the low values forKs, the predicted steady-state residual concentration of these substances in the effluent of completely mixed sewage treatment plants is between 10 and 100 μg/liter. This level is in accordance with the range of measured values taken from literature. Based on this research and additional data from literature, the separation between readily and inherently degradable can be made at the critical values of μmax≈ 1.5/day andKs≈ 1 mg ThOD/liter.

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