
AbstractIn the advanced smart grid computing and measurement, the phasor measurement units (PMUs) based wide area measurement (WAM) infrastructure facilitate the real-time monitoring, control, and measurements. This WAM system uses the GPS satellite synchronized, and measures the voltage and current phasors of the feeders of transmission line and from the entire grid systems. This WAM infrastructure is mainly operated through the dynamic thermal current rating (DTCR) software to estimate the thermal effect in transmission lines to make sure thermal current does not exceed the limit. However, the existing DTCR is not fully functional due to some thermal estimation and calibration issues that occur frequently on the current ratings transmission line. Due to the thermal effect, the amount of current flowing through the conductor may reach its maximum value. When overcurrent occurs, it affects the performance of the transmission line. Therefore, this article studies the recent advancement of the WAM infrastructure as well as static and dynamic DTCR models in calibrating the climate parameters to the software. The main aim is to find out the drawback of the existing systems and then propose the heat balance model that considers the atmospheric climate conditions such as wind speed, and ambient temperature in estimating the current ratings. The performance of the thermal models is evaluated using MATLAB-based numerical analysis. The result shows that the impact of the atmospheric conditions on dynamic current ratings.KeywordsSmart gridPMUDTCRWAM

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